BBM Music Available In Spain and Italy

Monday, November 28, 2011 Diposkan oleh Unknown
BBM Music Available In Spain and Italy

Attention Spaniards and Italians: BBM Music is officially available to you!
If you haven't already lunged for your BlackBerry to download BBM Music, now is the time to do so!

  • Step One: Download BBM Music from the App World.
  • Step Two: Create your very own music profile and pick 50 of your favorite songs from millions up for grabs.
  • Step Three: Add your friends! Invite your fellow BBM buddies and gain access to their 50 songs as well. The more friends you have on BBM Music means the more songs you can listen to.
  • Step Four: Start listening. Grab some earphones or play through the speakers to allow everyone to enjoy and bring on the music.

Are you a fan of long road-trips or need certain songs for working out? BBM Music allows you to build custom playlists to meet your specific music needs. Each month you can switch out up to 25 (of your 50) songs to freshen up your listening habits. The songs you have listened to can also be cached to your SD card to allow access to all your songs even when you're offline and can't connect to your wireless network. Even better: free trial for a whole month! After that, access to BBM Music will cost you only $5 per month. That's 10 cents per song if you never swap them out, and roughly seven cents if you swap out 25. I'm not sure where else you can pay that little for music right on your BlackBerry, which means one thing.. Go download BBM Music now!


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